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Публикации d0min0

2 публикаций создано d0min0 (учитываются публикации только с 03-July 23)

#30455 массив js req

Отправлено от d0min0 в 08 April 2014 - 02:33 PM в Поддержка ShopCMS

Подскажите где формируется массив req который используется в шаблоне head.tpl.html для ajax-корзины и папки сравнения. Заранее благодарен.

#28327 проблемы с $_POST

Отправлено от d0min0 в 03 October 2013 - 12:40 PM в Поддержка ShopCMS

Не работает вывод $_POST в core\includes\admin\sub\catalog_products_categories.php . Пробовал даже через функцию ScanPostVariableWithId() ничего не выводит. Помогите плиз, в чем может быть проблема.

//products and categories tree view

if (!strcmp($sub, "products_categories"))
if ( CONF_BACKEND_SAFEMODE != 1 && (!isset($_SESSION["log"]) || !in_array(1,$relaccess))) //unauthorized
$smarty->assign("admin_sub_dpt", "error_forbidden.tpl.html");
} else {

function _getUrlToSubmit()
$res = ADMIN_FILE."?dpt=catalog&sub=products_categories";
if ( isset($_GET["categoryID"]) )
$res .= "&categoryID=".$_GET["categoryID"];
if ( isset($_GET["offset"]) )
$res .= "&offset=".$_GET["offset"];
if ( isset($_GET["sort"]) )
$res .= "&sort=".$_GET["sort"];
if ( isset($_GET["sort_dir"]) )
$res .= "&sort_dir=".$_GET["sort_dir"];

if ( isset($_GET["search_criteria"]) )
$res .= "&search_criteria=".$_GET["search_criteria"];
if ( isset($_GET["search_value"]) )
$res .= "&search_value=".$_GET["search_value"];
if ( isset($_POST["search_criteria"]) )
$res .= "&search_criteria=".$_POST["search_criteria"];
if ( isset($_POST["search_value"]) )
$res .= "&search_value=".$_POST["search_value"];

if ( isset($_GET["search"]) )
$res .= "&search=".$_GET["search"];
if ( isset($_GET["show_all"]) )
$res .= "&show_all=".$_GET["show_all"];
return $res;

function _getUrlToDelete()
return _getUrlToSubmit();

function _getUrlToCategoryTreeExpand()
return _getUrlToSubmit();

function _getUrlToNavigate()

$res = ADMIN_FILE."?dpt=catalog&sub=products_categories";
if ( isset($_GET["categoryID"]) )
$res .= "&categoryID=".$_GET["categoryID"];
if ( isset($_GET["offset"]) )
$res .= "&offset=".$_GET["offset"];
if ( isset($_GET["sort"]) )
$res .= "&sort=".$_GET["sort"];
if ( isset($_GET["sort_dir"]) )
$res .= "&sort_dir=".$_GET["sort_dir"];

if ( isset($_GET["search_criteria"]) )
$res .= "&search_criteria=".$_GET["search_criteria"];
if ( isset($_GET["search_value"]) )
$res .= "&search_value=".$_GET["search_value"];
if ( isset($_POST["search_criteria"]) )
$res .= "&search_criteria=".$_POST["search_criteria"];
if ( isset($_POST["search_value"]) )
$res .= "&search_value=".$_POST["search_value"];

if ( isset($_GET["search"]) )
$res .= "&search=".$_GET["search"];
return $res;

function _getUrlToSort()
return _getUrlToSubmit();

/*$res = ADMIN_FILE."?dpt=catalog&sub=products_categories";
if ( isset($_GET["categoryID"]) )
$res .= "&categoryID=".$_GET["categoryID"];
return $res;*/

$callBackParam = array();

if ( isset($_GET["search"]) )
if (isset($_POST["search_value"])) //"Find" button pressed
$search_value = $_POST["search_value"];
else if (isset($_GET["search_value"])) //after search is made customer pushed 'delete' button, changed sort order, etc.
$search_value = $_GET["search_value"];

$array = explode( " ", $search_value );
$search_value_array = array();
foreach( $array as $val )
if ( $val != "" )
$search_value_array[] = $val;

if (isset($_POST["search_criteria"]))
$search_criteria = $_POST["search_criteria"];
else if (isset($_GET["search_criteria"]))
$search_criteria = $_GET["search_criteria"];

if ( $search_criteria == "name" )
$callBackParam["name"] = $search_value_array;
if ( $search_criteria == "product_code" )
$callBackParam["product_code"] = $search_value_array;

$smarty->assign( "search_criteria", $search_criteria );
$smarty->assign( "search_value", $search_value );
$smarty->assign( "searched_done", 1 );

if ( !isset($_SESSION["expcat"]) ){
$_SESSION["expcat"] = array(1);

if ( isset($_GET["expandCat"]) )
catExpandCategory( $_GET["expandCat"], "expcat" );

if ( isset($_GET["shrinkCat"]) )
catShrinkCategory( $_GET["shrinkCat"], "expcat" );

if ( isset($_GET["shrinkCatm"]) )
catShrinkCategorym( "expcat" );

if ( isset($_GET["expandCatp"]) )
catExpandCategoryp( "expcat" );
$c = catGetCategoryCList( $_SESSION["expcat"] );
$smarty->assign("categories", $c);

if ( isset($_POST["add_command"]) && ($_POST["add_command"]=="prod_off" || $_POST["add_command"]=="prod_on" || $_POST["add_command"]=="prod_dell" || $_POST["add_command"]=="prod_move") )

if (CONF_BACKEND_SAFEMODE) //this action is forbidden when SAFE MODE is ON
Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit()."&safemode=yes" );

//save changes in current category
$data = ScanPostVariableWithId( array( "price", "enable", "left", "sort_order", "checkbox_products_id", "allprice" ) );

foreach( $data as $key => $val )
if (isset($val["allprice"])){

$q=db_query("select productID from ".PRODUCTS_TABLE.
" where categoryID=".(int)$_GET["categoryID"]);
while( $row = db_fetch_row($q) )
db_query( "update ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." set Price='".xEscSQL($allprice)."' ".
" where productID=".(int)$row["productID"]);


if ( isset($val["price"]) )
$temp = $val["price"];
$temp = round($temp*100)/100;
db_query( "UPDATE ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." SET Price=".(double)$temp." ".
" WHERE productID=".(int)$key );

if ( isset($val["enable"]) )
db_query( "update ".PRODUCTS_TABLE.
" set enabled=".(int)$val["enable"]." ".
" WHERE productID=".(int)$key );

if ( isset($val["left"]) )
" SET in_stock = ".(int)$val["left"]." WHERE productID=".(int)$key);

if ( isset($val["sort_order"]) )
" SET sort_order = ".(int)$val["sort_order"]." WHERE productID=".(int)$key);

if ( isset($val["checkbox_products_id"]) )
if ( $_POST["add_command"]=="prod_off"){db_query( "UPDATE ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." SET enabled = 0 WHERE productID=".(int)$key);}
elseif ( $_POST["add_command"]=="prod_on"){db_query( "UPDATE ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." SET enabled = 1 WHERE productID=".(int)$key);}
elseif ( $_POST["add_command"]=="prod_dell"){
if (!DeleteProduct($key)) Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit()."&couldntToDelete=1" );
elseif ( $_POST["add_command"]=="prod_move"){db_query( "UPDATE ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." SET categoryID = ".(int)$_POST["prod_categoryID"]." WHERE productID=".(int)$key);}

if ( CONF_UPDATE_GCV == '1' ) update_psCount(1);

Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit() );

else if ( isset($_GET["delete_all_products"]) )
if (CONF_BACKEND_SAFEMODE) //this action is forbidden when SAFE MODE is ON
Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit()."&safemode=yes" );

if ( DeleteAllProductsOfThisCategory( (int) $_GET["categoryID"]) )
"&couldntToDeleteThisProducts=1" );
else if (isset($_POST["products_update"]))
if (CONF_BACKEND_SAFEMODE) //this action is forbidden when SAFE MODE is ON
Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit()."&safemode=yes" );

//save changes in current category
$data = ScanPostVariableWithId( array( "allprice", "price", "enable", "left", "sort_order" ) );

foreach( $data as $key => $val )
$q=db_query("select productID from ".PRODUCTS_TABLE.
" where categoryID=".(int)$_GET["categoryID"]);
while( $row = db_fetch_row($q) )
db_query( "update ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." set Price='".xEscSQL($val["allprice"])."' ".
" where productID=".(int)$row["productID"]);
if ( isset($val["price"]) )
$temp = $val["price"];
$temp = round($temp*100)/100;
db_query( "UPDATE ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." SET Price=".(double)$temp." ".
" WHERE productID=".(int)$key );

if ( isset($val["enable"]) )
db_query( "update ".PRODUCTS_TABLE.
" set enabled=".(int)$val["enable"]." ".
" WHERE productID=".(int)$key );

if ( isset($val["left"]) )
" SET in_stock = ".(int)$val["left"]." WHERE productID=".(int)$key);

if ( isset($val["sort_order"]) )
" SET sort_order = ".(int)$val["sort_order"]." WHERE productID=".(int)$key);

if ( CONF_UPDATE_GCV == '1' ) update_psCount(1);

Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit() );
else if (isset($_GET["terminate"])) //delete product
if (CONF_BACKEND_SAFEMODE) //this action is forbidden when SAFE MODE is ON
Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit()."&safemode=yes" );

if (DeleteProduct($_GET["terminate"]))
Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit() );
Redirect( _getUrlToSubmit()."&couldntToDelete=1" );

if (isset($_POST["update_gc_value"])) //update button pressed

//calculate how many products are there in root category
$q = db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." WHERE categoryID=1");
$cnt = db_fetch_row($q);

//show category name as a title
$row = array();
if (!isset($_GET["categoryID"]) && !isset($_POST["categoryID"]))
$categoryID = 1;
else //go to the root if category doesn't exist
$categoryID = isset($_GET["categoryID"]) ? $_GET["categoryID"] : $_POST["categoryID"];
$q = db_query("SELECT name FROM ".CATEGORIES_TABLE." WHERE categoryID=".(int)$categoryID);
$row = db_fetch_row($q);
if (!$row)
$categoryID = 0;

if ( !isset($_GET["search"]) ) $smarty->assign("products_count_category", catGetCategoryProductCount($categoryID, false ));
$smarty->assign("categoryID", $categoryID);
$smarty->assign("category_name", $row[0]);

$count_row = 0;
$offset = 0;
$products = null;

if ( isset($_GET["sort"]) )
$callBackParam["sort"] = $_GET["sort"];
if ( isset($_GET["sort_dir"]) )
$callBackParam["direction"] = $_GET["sort_dir"];
if ( !isset($_GET["search"]) )
$callBackParam["categoryID"] = $categoryID;
$callBackParam["searchInSubcategories"] = true;

$count = 0;
$navigatorHtml = GetNavigatorHtml(
_getUrlToNavigate(), 20,
'prdSearchProductByTemplateAdmin', $callBackParam, $products, $offset, $count );

for( $i=0; $i < count($products); $i++ )
$products[$i]["picture_count"] = GetPictureCount( $products[$i]["productID"] );
$products[$i]["thumbnail_count"] = GetThumbnailCount( $products[$i]["productID"] );
$products[$i]["enlarged_count"] = GetEnlargedPictureCount( $products[$i]["productID"] );

$smarty->assign("navigatorHtml", $navigatorHtml );

$smarty->hassign( "urlToSort", _getUrlToSort() );
$smarty->hassign( "urlToSubmit", _getUrlToSubmit() );
$smarty->hassign( "urlToDelete", _getUrlToDelete() );
$smarty->hassign( "urlToCategoryTreeExpand", _getUrlToCategoryTreeExpand());

$smarty->assign( "searched_count",
str_replace( "{N}",
count($products), ADMIN_N_RECORD_IS_SEARCHED ) );

//products list
$smarty->assign("products", $products );
//set main template
$smarty->assign("admin_sub_dpt", "catalog_products_categories.tpl.html");

$cats = catGetCategoryCListMin();
$smarty->assign( "cats", $cats );